Uretek’s unique, patented technologies use injections of expanding resin to restore structures. This method offers important advantages:
- Quick and immediate results. Areas can be accessed and used during and immediately after the injection of our exclusive resins, which expand immediately and require no time to set.
- A cost-effective, convenient intervention. Our methods require a much lower financial commitment than traditional solutions (when they can be compared).
- Non-invasive work sites. Our interventions never require excavation; they produce no waste and are carried out within a confined area that does not disturb or interrupt normal activities.
- Definitive conservation, even for historical buildings.
- Continuous monitoring of the work via advanced laser and radar systems used by highly qualified personnel.
- Respect for the environment. Above-ground mixing of the Uretek® resin creates a final inert product that does not release solvents into the soil or possible water tables in the area.